Графика и Дизайн Курсы по дизайну от Skillshare (часть3)

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Курсы по дизайну от Skillshare (часть3)

Состав раздачи:
1) Expressive Illustration: From Ideas to Execution
2) Expressing Yourself With Personal Passion Projects
3) Fundamentals of Illustrator I: The First Steps to Becoming a Pro Illustrator
4) Editorial Illustration: Draw Idioms the "Designy" Way
5) Hand-Lettering Workshop: Illustrating with Lettering
6) Watercolor: Smart Texturing In Photoshop
7) Logo Design Fundamentals: Simple and Solid Brand Marks
8) Logo Design the Draplin Way: Building with Shape, Type, and Color
9) Drawing Time: Illustrator Techniques 2 (New HD Tutorials)
10) Designing Logos in Adobe Illustrator
11) Learn Flat Design. Barbecue flat icon.
12) Learn flat design. Create a beer icon and learn Adobe Illustrator
13) Clean Logo Design with a Keynote Twist
14) Learn Flat Design. Dumbbell flat icon.


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