Opencart [Opencart] Product Option Image v2.0

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Название: Product Option Image v2.0
Автор: Opencart

This extension allows admin to assign an unique image for each option value per product.
When the option is selected on front-end, main product image will be swapped with the corresponding option image.

  • This extension enhances your OpenCart store with the ability to:
  • Assign different image for each option value per product
  • When an option is selected, the main image will be swapped with that option’s image
  • Display selected option’s image in Cart
  • Support Select, Radio, Image type Options
  • Support Color type Option (require Product Color Option extension – v1.4.2 or later)
  • Can have multiple options with image per product
  • OpenCart 2, OpenCart
  • MijoShop, JooCart
  • Product Color Option v1.4.2 and later
  • Dependent Options, Option SKU
  • Many zoom scripts: ColorBox, ElevateZoom, CloudZoom, LightBox, jQueryZoom, zoomLens, MagicZoom…
  • Compatible with most themes



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