Сайтостроение Opencart 2.x - Intelligent Custom Fields - Свои Вкладки

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Add unlimited number of custom fields to the product page.

Below field types are supported

  • Select (Dropdown)
  • Radio button
  • Checkbox
  • Text box
  • Textarea
  • File
  • Date
  • Time
  • Date & time

Appearance and behavior on the product page is intelligently changed based on the type of field selected.
For example,
Text area fields appear as a new tab similar to 'Product description'. This help you to add any number of tabs with text inside it
File type field appear as links. Helps you to attach downloads like user manuals with your product description


Ссылка доступна для пользователей с группой: Премиум 

Материал может быть удален по просьбе
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