Opencart [iSense] opencartseopackprov8.2

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Название: opencartseopackprov8.2
Автор: iSense

OpenCart SEO Pack PRO
The most popular OpenCart SEO Pack

OpenCart SEO Pack PRO includes all SEO extensions and features and many more.

Admin credentials for demonstration purposes:
user: demo
password: demo

  • Generators

    SEO Pack Pro comes with handy generators to generate meta keywords, meta description, related products, product tags, SEO-friendly URLs, custom titles, custom H1 tags, custom H2 tags, SEO-friendly image names, custom image title and alt tags.

  • Multi-Lingual SEO support
    SEO Pack Pro provides multi-lingual support for SEO URLs, sitemap, home page titles, meta keywords, meta description, product tags, custom titles, custom generated H1 and H2 tags, image Title and Alt tags. The extension also supports multi-lingual virtual subfolders for additional languages (e.g.

  • Smart SEO Pagination
    The extension adds rel=“next” and rel=“prev” to indicate the relationship between the individual URLs in a pagination plus it makes the pagination URLs SEO friendly.n.

  • Canonical Links
    Avoid duplicate content. SEO Pack Pro will help you add canonical links for categories, brands, specials, informational pages, home page and others.

  • Custom SEO Fields
    With SEO Pack PRO you can add the following custom SEO fields - titles for products, titles for categories, titles for informational pages, H1 tags for products, H2 tags for products, image title and alt tags, meta keywords and meta description for informational pages, titles for manufacturers, meta keywords and meta description for manufacturers, description for manufacturers, meta keywords for home page.

  • Rich Snippets
    Help search engines better index and understand your website by adding rich snippets. The extension supports Breadcrumbs RDF, Product Schema, Offer Schema and Rating Schema.

  • Instant SEO
    Automatically create SEO URLs, meta keywords, description and tags when a product is inserted or edited.

  • Editors and Reports
    Easily edit your SEO data with Advanced SEO Editor and check your SEO data with SEO Report.


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