Opencart [cmerry] ADV Profit Module v4.5 (product costs, profit, margin, markup)

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Название: ADV Profit Module v4.5 (product costs, profit, margin, markup)
Автор: cmerry

ADV Customers + Profit Report is must-have report if you are looking for a complete solution to calculate and display customer sales data, revenue, expenses and profit in OpenCart environment. This report is part of ADV Profit Reports family and with their help you get a complete picture of your business situation. It's the perfect product to help you maximize your organization's profitability!

Currently there are three reports in ADV Profit Reports family (sold separately), fourth report is in development:

ADV Stock Value & Profit Report (not yet released)

It is necessary to have installed ADV Profit Module, it is required module and without this module reports will not work. ADV Profit Module add calculation of product cost, payment cost, shipping cost and extra cost into OpenCart environment. These cost data are the basis for calculation of sales, revenue, expenses and profit in ADV Profit Reports. Please read comprehensive documentation for this module.


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